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Sheena Mae D. Delima

About Me

Hello everyone! It’s Sheena Mae. A first year computer engineering student at Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I am a beginner in computer industry, however, that does not ends with “beginner” only. I’m a person who is full of curiosity. Thus, an active involvement in organization such as in GDSC-PUP (AL/ML Cadet), CFYV, and here in AWS-PUP pushed me to fill myself a significant knowledge. I am passionate and motivated when it comes to hardware and software, thus I entered the COED course to enhance and improve my skills and abilities so that in the future, I want to be one of the innovators or engineers in this world to contribute in humanity’s necessities and further improve the technologies. Moreover, I utterly to say that I am enthusiastic when it comes to hands-on, it fuels my heart to go further, learn more, dive deeper into tech world. Hence, with this dedication in devoting myself in hardware in software, it transcends my old me, resulting a Sheena that wants to be a group that solves solution in terms of computer hardware and software.


I want to be either a software engineer or a robotics engineer.

Goal This Year

A better version of myself that will be honed by DCC-AWS-PUP Family through lots of experience such as hands-on, lectures, collaboration with other departments, and many more activities. Additionally, having a new skills or my skills are improve, and gain new skills.

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