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Kristina Cassandra D. Bognot

About Me

I'm currently a second-year Bachelor of Science student majoring in Computer Science, where I delve into the fascinating world of technology. Beyond the realm of computer screens and coding challenges, I find immense joy in exploring the beauty of local landscapes. Whether it's a serene park, a scenic viewpoint, or a hidden gem in my community, I love immersing myself in the natural wonders that surround us. When not absorbed in the world of bits and bytes, you'll likely find me with headphones on, lost in the rhythm of my favorite tunes. Music is my escape, offering a perfect balance to the analytical nature of my studies. Engaging with technology extends beyond my studies, as I actively participate in technical organizations and volunteer for tech events. These experiences not only enhance my knowledge but also allow me to contribute to the vibrant tech community. Intrigued by the ever-evolving landscape of technology, I'm passionate about staying on the cutting edge and discovering how innovation shapes our world. Join me on this journey of blending the digital and the natural, where every line of code and every melody tells a unique story.


One of my foremost aspirations is to contribute to the betterment of humanity through the creation of innovative technologies. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures because it helps me understand how we're all connected as humans. My goal is to tackle important problems and come up with solutions that improve the lives of people everywhere.

Goal This Year

My goal this year is to learn my second year major courses properly.

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