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Joyrel G. Baladjay

About Me

I'm a BSIT freshman at Polytechnic University of the Philippines- Manila. Initially aiming fto major for Multimedia Arts and Animation, I ended up embracing the diverse landscape of IT during my first year. Active involvement in organizations like the CCIS student council, GDSC-PUP (as a UI/UX cadet), and AWS-PUP (as a cloud engineer) has honed my skills and boosted my confidence. This exposure pushed me out of my comfort zone, a crucial step in my professional growth. Despite lacking prior tech and coding knowledge, I'm committed to improvement. Daily practice, educational sessions, and completing curriculum-based projects are my strategies. I draw inspiration from successful women in tech, fueling my ambition to forge my distinct path in this dynamic field. I aim to embody their resilience, expertise, and innovation throughout my journey.


My aspiration is to successfully navigate the realms of IT while integrating my passion and talents.

Goal This Year

In 2024, my goal is to continuously push the boundaries of my knowledge, refusing to give up on the pursuit of growth. Simultaneously, I aim to cultivate a healthier lifestyle and mindset, surpassing any previous benchmarks for personal well-being.

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